Time for change

I can get used to this Daylight Savings Time adjustment! I know a lot of people hate when it gets dark early, but I love it! It just feels more cuddly and comfy.

Starting tomorrow, some things are going to be changing. First, me and Josh are starting our workout. Second, my mom was nice enough to buy me the colon cleanser I was talking about, so I will be starting that the day after it comes in the mail. If you can see a trend, my goal is to make my body better . . . to become more healthy. The other thing that I am changing is my spiritual health. As ashamed I am to admit this, I have not prayed in the longest time nor have I read my Bible. I feel like my spiritual being needs some changing, training, rebuilding. I have felt very polluted in the physical and spiritual sense, so I feel like it's time for some cleansing. I am cleaning off my iPod of all secular music and only adding Christian music and devotional Podcasts. I feel so much closer to God and my thoughts are more pure and godly when I hear music that He would actually approve of.

I guess you can call this a fast. A fast from secular music, fast food, laziness. Junk. This workout, cleanse, and Christian music should kick out the cravings, eh? No more sitting around being gross. It's time for change!

Posted byAshley C. at 4:49 PM  


Kris said... Monday, November 2, 2009 at 8:05:00 PM PST  

You go sister! I've been feeling ready - too. I actually worked out this weekend. Whoa!

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