Work, Work, Work

Thanks to Ms. Krissy, me and a friend are going to a small women's conference tonight! I'm pretty excited because I haven't been to any type of Christian conference since about 5 years ago. The only thing is that it is a 2-day conference, but I think we are only going tonight. It's titled, "Teaching Women not to be Desperate." . . . or something along those lines. I know, not very informative, but I will let you all know what it was all about. :-]

I don't know if I've mentioned before, but I am working in partnership with an organization close by that provides services for grieving children (i.e., loss of a sibling, parent, etc.). I am collaborating with a group to rewrite their needs statement, develop an entrance/exit survey for their clients, and create a PowerPoint show for donors. In other words, help them get more funds. Tomorrow, I am volunteering to help out at a silent auction that they are having. Not looking forward to that. I've never been to one of those, so it should be pretty interesting. But hey, they best part of all of this is that when I graduate, helping this organization will look very attractive to my future employers. And I guess I am getting some experience, too. :-]
School is coming to an close, so I apologize if I'm not posting nearly as much as I used to; it's really crunch time right now, so I've got to buckle down and get things done.

Posted byAshley C. at 3:01 PM  


Kris said... Friday, November 13, 2009 at 6:47:00 PM PST  

I am looking forward to hearing about the conference! Hope you got some good stuff out of it. Hoping you get something good for you out of tomorrow...hoping it ends up being more than something to check off that never-ending to do list!!!

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