Oh, that love!

I feel like I need to make one thing clear. This week, you would not believe how many people have referred to their new boyfriends/crushes as their "Josh." For those of you that don't know, Josh is my boo, my best friend, my everything. I love my Josh, but there's something that I need to make sure is clear.

Me and Josh are as happy as two peas in a pod and I could not ask for me. He is the most chivalrous guy (opens all my doors, tells me I'm beautiful every day, gives me his jacket, carries me if my feet hurt, etc.). A lot of times, I do not feel like I even deserve him. We are the happiest couple that I know of and we have a love that I cannot describe. But . . .
The last thing I ever want to portray is that we are perfect; we are not. We have our pity little arguments, we have our childish fights, we pick on each other and have our "days." I am just really afraid that a lot of people think that we aren't "normal." I never, ever want people to think that's what I am displaying because that's the last thing I want it to look like. The major (the absolute biggest) difference between Josh and other guys is that he tries to have the love and attitude like that of Jesus. When people look at Josh and the way he treats me, more than anything, I want them to ask, "Where did he get that? Where did he learn that? How is he so patient and kind?" I want Josh's love to be a witness of his relationship with Christ . . . not that he is immortal and the "perfect guy."

So, girls, you will never find the perfect guy . . . he doesn't exist. You might find a guy that has a relationship with God and shows his love to you the way God taught him to, but he's got his flaws and he will always try his best to love you the way he knows how. The one thing I have learned is that the more you love God, the more love you have to share with others. If you are distant from God, you will be distant from others . . . your relationship with others is going to mimic your relationship with God.

Posted byAshley C. at 5:26 PM  


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