Simply waiting

Being patient is really hard.  I have given up on asking Josh, When are you going to propose?!  or Are we closer yet?  I've really found it to be a lost cause.  As I've mented time and time before, Josh and I have done a lot of talking and praying and know that this is what we want (and what God approves of).  The hard part is waiting.  Waiting for a time that proves us financial stable.  Waiting for a time that we know we are emotionally and spiritually ready.  Simply waiting. 
The more we care for and interact with our nephew, it makes me want to start a family now.  When Josh and I are cuddled up, making plans and naming our babies and the godliness that will be in our home and the colors that our bedroom or living room will be, I want nothing more than that.  I want to start shopping for our new home, I want to start paying off our debt so that we can start our beautiful family, I just want to plan and build towards our forever.  I know, people always say "it's not about the destination, but the journey."  That is so much easier said than done.  I suppose that's the way our human nature was shaped.  We will never find rest in anything this world can offer; only eternity with our God can truly satisfy us.  BUT God has given us the things in our lives to enjoy and I just want to enjoy them!  :-] 
Josh is my man.  I have never been as happy as I am now and I couldn't imagine what life would be like without him.  He has been a bigger blessing than I could have ever asked for.  He is the only one that I could see myself living forever with and the only one I would want to have a family with.  He is my protector, confidant, best friend, cuddle buddy, motivator, encourager.  My definition of what a husband needs to be (oh, and he's pretty handsome, too!). 

The longer it takes for him to propose keeps showing me how much I ask him.  I must be pretty stinkin' annoying.  The way I look at it, each day is a day closer to our day, so I'll just keep that in mind.  Although, it would be nice if it happened sooner than later!  At the end of the way, I'd secretly wait 80 more years for him if I had to. 

Posted byAshley C. at 2:16 PM  


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