Here's to a beautiful day!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
This morning I set my alarm for 7:30 a.m. because I was actually pretty excited about the day; it was supposed to reach at least 70 degrees, I was about to use some coupons and make a couple purchases at Walgreens that were actually "money-makers" (free, and additional money given back to you), I was going to clean and wash my car, Josh and I both planned on skipping school in order to enjoy the weather, and we were going to take a friend of ours to dinner and a movie. So, of course when my alarm began beeping, I sprung out of bed when I would normally continue adding 15 more minutes. I could not wait to take on the day.
Guess what happened when I took my car out to vaccuum it? I began sweating! Something small and actually pretty gross, but it felt so good! The sun and heat haven't made me sweat since like, I don't know, last August! In addition to the awesome day, I am currently sitting at the rip-off school that I graduated from. After Josh gets out of his meeting, I am going to go down to Student Records, demand to talk to a particular individual, rip the paper in half and cause a scene that will embarrass both her and me. Okay, maybe not. I do however, plan on going down to the office and seeing what happened and if they tell me anything about a stinkin' policy, I will begin the process of speaking to the next higher individual. :-] Like I said, I will get that high-quality sheet of paper.
Posted byAshley C. at 10:34 AM