Something is missing

I finally got my diploma in the mail this week!  Yes, I did use diploma as a singular noun.  As you know, I double majored in Sociology and Pyschology with a certificate in Mental Health.  Sociology is part of the Arts and Psychology is part of the Sciences.  Well . . . as you can see from the picture below, something is missing.  After looking at my transcript, it said that I have been awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree and my academic plan was to major in Sociology and Psychology.  Well, since I majored in both, I should have both degrees, right?  WRONG!  According to a UW-P policy (which I was told nothing about), if you choose to get a dual degree (a Bachelor in both Arts and Science), then you must complete all of the requirements under both majors and complete an additional 30 credits, which brings you to at least 150 credits when you graduate.  I graduated with 130 credits.  So, this means that I do not have my second degree . . . or at least they think.

Now, this school has been giving me the run around and I have jumped through like 500 hoops to be able to get away with some of the things that I did.  They must be insane if they think I am going to go back to that shotty school and take 20 more credits of completely random classes that have nothing to do with either Sociology or Psychology in order for me to attain my second degree.  I do not think so.  I have completed all of my requirements, double majored, got a certificate, and maintained a 3.4 GPA; don't they think that I have retained the knowledge that I need for that stinkin' piece of paper?!  I am not joking when I say that I am going to fight this until a)either I get my second degree, in hand or b) that school's shadiness is brought to the public and I get my second degree.  Now, I am almost positive that I have been down to the Registrar's office, student records, and visited my academic advisor more than any other student in that school has and I did it only for this reason.  I did not want something to be "too good to be true" or for something to backfire on me after I was done.  And so it happens.  I know for a fact that I am not the only student that this school has "ripped off."  There are probably numerous students that would say "oh, well, too bad, I guess I lost out" and move on like nothing happened.  That is not who I am.  Especially when the school knew that my intention was to get a dual degree.  The graduation program even listed both of them, so I know that they acknowledged my attempt. What?  Did I just double major just to do it?  No, of course not.  Of course I wanted both of my degrees.  But, hey let's fail to mention that she has met our requirements and hope she pays us $14,00 again for a piece of paper.  I will not do it
After UW-P's Spring break is over, all heck is going to break loose because I will be there, bothering whoever I need to, in order to get this straightened out.  I double majored, earned both of my degrees, and I will have both of them. 

Posted byAshley C. at 7:21 PM  


Kris said... Friday, March 19, 2010 at 6:48:00 AM PDT  

You worked so hard, I am praying this all goes well for you!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! : )

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