Guess who's back . . .!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I have officially annoyed myself. I have not blogged since forever and I keep telling myself, " That's something to blog about . . . " and I have not blogged in about 2 weeks. Remember me saying my goal when I first started was to blog every day? These classes that I am taking are going to be done by the end of this weekend, so I will definitely make it my goal (again) to blog almost every day. I really miss going sitting down and making myself think about something worth blogging about and realizing that I actually had an interesting day, whether I thought so or not.
I guess these last two weeks away have been pretty eventful. Me and Josh have been driving back and forth to this not-so-small town in Wisconsin that we have found really, really nice and think we want to eventually live there! We have always wanted to live in Tennessee because it is so beautiful there with the old farms, hills, and "nothingness." I guess this place in Wisconsin doesn't offer all of that, but it really does remind me of Tennessee, in a way. So, maybe we will keep looking into that place and hopefully eventually settle down in Tennessee.
I have also been bringing these online summer classes to an end. I have already finished one and still have the other two to go, but they will be done soon. I have a 15-page paper and a 12-page paper due by Saturday and after that, it will all be a breeze. I am just excited to have the classes done and enjoy my one month before classes start up again. Speaking of which, I have finally found a school where I can get my Social Work Training Certificate! I don't know if I have talked about this in previous blogs, but it has been so hard and I thought I would never find a school. It is an extension school of Upper Iowa University in Milwaukee and I should be completely done with school next May. At least I have a huge milestone in between so that I actually feel like I have been working toward something! Anyway, me and Josh are going to Milwaukee tonight for their open house and so that I can apply and talk to an advisor; I will let you all know how that goes.
I am going to keep this short because I hope to blog again tonight, if I don't . . . well, I will be back soon enough!
Posted byAshley C. at 3:42 AM
Labels: school