Today's Fun

Okay, so I am currently trying to redo this blog and for some reason I am having trouble. So, until then, you are going to be looking at an ugly, plain blog. If someone reading this is a whiz at correcting codes (I think I messed something up), then please let me know because it would be great to have a new pretty blog again. So, if this is your first time by my blog, please do not think this is it!

I guess I will still blog a little bit even though this isn't pretty . . .

Tonight, me and Josh are going to the Yankees vs. Sox game . . . Go Yankees! We are so excited because this is our first Yankees game! I can't wait to eat a ballpark hot dog!

I have also started my scrapbooking again. I don't think I've ever mentioned this is any other blog, but it is definitely my favorite hobby (besides sleeping haha!). The scrapbook that I am currently working on is my nephew's first year. My eyes have swelled up so many times doing the scrapbook because I cannot believe how fast that little bugger is growing up! I still have a ways to go, but when I am partially done, I will let you guys see a little bit.

Well, I need to run to Archivers, deposit my check, do some homework, and try fixing this blog (probably mess it up more). So, I will catch up with you soon.

Posted byAshley C. at 8:05 AM 0 Love Notes  

More Than Perfect Sunday

Church . . . nap . . . roller blading . . . relaxing on our new picnic blanket . . . ice cream . . . grocery shopping . . . competitive wii playing . . . slow dancing.

I don't think I have had such a perfect day in a long time. I love my boo so much and look forward to the days when we have the whole day to ourselves.

Posted byAshley C. at 12:45 PM Post a comment (1) Love Notes  

Almost too good to be true

So, I am proud of myself for actually blogging twice in one day! Earlier I mentioned that I was going to go visit my school for the Spring semester. Well, I did. I cannot remember the last time that I have been so excited and relieved! It really seems that everything is falling into place and I couldn't be more grateful for that.

So, the purpose of me going to this school is to get my Social Work Training Certificate. In the state of Wisconsin (which is where I hope to work), in order to become a Social Worker, you need to have a Bachelor's in Social Work. I don't have that. Instead, I will have a Bachelor's in Sociology and Psychology. Because the three fields are closely related, they will waive the whole "Bachelor's in Social Work" jazz and allow you to take 4 additional classes, take an exam, and you have your training certificate which ends up being the equivalent to a Bachelor's in Social Work. The reason that this was such a big deal was because I could not find a school at all that offered a program to get the certificate. Now that I have finally found the school, I can rest assured and know that I will be able to have the required education for my career choice.
Any way, I went in to the open house and filled out an application and met with an advisor. I think I got the most helpful advisor I have ever had. It was very simple. She said that because I was coming in as a transient student (non-degree seeking), I would not need to submit my transcripts from my three previous schools (which is a very long, drawn out process). She also explained to me that the four classes that I need are scheduled perfectly to where I would only have to drive to Milwaukee once a week, and for the other class I would only have to go to Racine. Big difference! So, in the end, I will be taking two late classes each week and will not have to drive to Milwaukee for them both! She said I am accepted into the school and can register in November. I am so happy for this because it does not conflict with my work schedule.

Come May, 2010, I will officially and legally hold the title "Social Worker" and be able to start working! This whole thing feels surreal. I have been busting my butt and working so hard and I am finally able to see the silver lining. It is all coming together and I can clearly see what I've accomplished.

I think that the one lesson I have learned throughout this whole college experience is that you are not always going to have someone there guiding you. In fact, you will have to plan and advise yourself 99.9% of the time. When you do everything yourself, it really pays off and you feel a greater accomplishment. I am just so grateful that I have made all the right moves so far!

Posted byAshley C. at 9:24 PM Post a comment (1) Love Notes  

Guess who's back . . .!

I have officially annoyed myself. I have not blogged since forever and I keep telling myself, " That's something to blog about . . . " and I have not blogged in about 2 weeks. Remember me saying my goal when I first started was to blog every day? These classes that I am taking are going to be done by the end of this weekend, so I will definitely make it my goal (again) to blog almost every day. I really miss going sitting down and making myself think about something worth blogging about and realizing that I actually had an interesting day, whether I thought so or not.

I guess these last two weeks away have been pretty eventful. Me and Josh have been driving back and forth to this not-so-small town in Wisconsin that we have found really, really nice and think we want to eventually live there! We have always wanted to live in Tennessee because it is so beautiful there with the old farms, hills, and "nothingness." I guess this place in Wisconsin doesn't offer all of that, but it really does remind me of Tennessee, in a way. So, maybe we will keep looking into that place and hopefully eventually settle down in Tennessee.

I have also been bringing these online summer classes to an end. I have already finished one and still have the other two to go, but they will be done soon. I have a 15-page paper and a 12-page paper due by Saturday and after that, it will all be a breeze. I am just excited to have the classes done and enjoy my one month before classes start up again. Speaking of which, I have finally found a school where I can get my Social Work Training Certificate! I don't know if I have talked about this in previous blogs, but it has been so hard and I thought I would never find a school. It is an extension school of Upper Iowa University in Milwaukee and I should be completely done with school next May. At least I have a huge milestone in between so that I actually feel like I have been working toward something! Anyway, me and Josh are going to Milwaukee tonight for their open house and so that I can apply and talk to an advisor; I will let you all know how that goes.

I am going to keep this short because I hope to blog again tonight, if I don't . . . well, I will be back soon enough!

Posted byAshley C. at 3:42 AM 0 Love Notes  

It's Been A While

I feel so out of touch with the world (and myself) because I have not blogged in so long! This whole past week, I have thinking to myself "I need to blog about this, I need to blog about that," and now that it is all passed and I don't remember it all that clearly . . . and I do not want to bore you to death, I will pass this week! I will include some pictures that were taken over this past weekend, though.

Today has just been a day of work, cleaning, cooking, and playing with my nephew. I love that kid to death. Oh, he just started a new smile that is absolutely adorable! He kind of bares all of his front teeth and scrunches his nose and forehead up. So cute and irresistible. I really cannot wait until Josh and I have our own kids . . . step-by-step, though!
For a while, I was really doubting myself and felt that I would do a horrible job at trying to be a mother. I was afraid that my faith, patience, and relationship with God would not be sufficient enough to raise our kids in a godly home. I was afraid that our kids would not see the relationship that I have with God and how dependent I am on Him. I was afraid that I would not be able to entertain them and that they would not love me.
Lately though, I have felt so much different. After seeing the way my nephew runs to me for comfort, seeing the amazing amount of patience, care, and entertaining skills I have shown Andrew, he has really opened my eyes to just how good of a mother I will eventually be able to be. It's really amazing the way someone so young can teach you so much.

Another thing that my eyes have been opened to is the simple things in life that are actually enjoyable. Me and Josh have not really spent money on going to the movies or sit-down dinners lately. We have been spending every minute we can on rollerblading. It's really cool because it's free, it's exercising, and we are able to talk about everything we want or need to talk about. Remember that picnic basket I blogged about a while ago? We still haven't used it, but we are definitely looking forward to a weekend that allows us to grab our rollerblades, fishing poles, and picnic baskets and just enjoy each other.

Well, off to work I go! Until next time!

Posted byAshley C. at 11:52 AM 0 Love Notes